Have you ever seen the film Ground Hog Day? Josh and I watched it a few weeks back. Whilst some aspects of life have returned to normal there are still many things that we find ourselves doing differently. For many of us life revolves far more around the home than ever before. The film ground hog day is about a guy who finds himself waking up each and every morning in the same room at the start of the same day. Everyone else lives the day in exactly the same way each iteration. Only our hero can experience it truly differently. He enters bitter and angry and grumpy and initially the repetition makes him even more bitter and angry and grumpy. Over time he learns to embrace the positives of his new found captivity and to grow from it. His transformation is not just one of new skills (he learns the piano and ice sculpting) he is also transformed in the heart. He learns to enjoy the town and love the people. It is then at the close of the film he is set free and choses to stay in this place he has lived 1 day as a 1000.
The passage below reflects some of this.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
In this lockdown you may sometimes feel like you are living the same day over and over, trapped in a small bubble. I love working from home but I realised on Friday I hadn't really left the house all week, wandering from desk to bed and back again becomes so easy when the office is 5 feet away. Although ground hog day can seem very real, we as Christians are called each morning to a renewed start. We are to start each day embracing the refreshing power of God's kingdom, the love that surrounds us. We can wake up each day and know we may be in the same physical place, but we are free in the spirit! We are recreated in his image and we can live a new people.
So if you find yourself with that ground hog feeling just remember you are loved by God and your brothers and sisters in him, you have been recreated in his image, and you can wake each morning to embrace the restoring, refreshing power of his spirit kingdom.
Have a great week folks!!
With our love
Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth
You can find all our services on our Church website here
Tristan and I would love to receive your formal feedback please. We need one formal review for each service we submit as a part of our portfolios so if you are able to compete a form now and then that would be great! You can find them here :-)Feedback
Thank you !
Contact Details
Mobile: | 07884 232829 |
Land line: | 01752 480319 |
Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/ElburtonMethodist |
Website | http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk |
Circuit | https://www.facebook.com/PDMethodist |
Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website:http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk/index.php/notices-blogso if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.
For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 715 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.
Church re-opening
The Church Council has decided not to re-open the church at the beginning of September. The main reason being the majority thought it was too soon and too difficult in view of distancing and cleaning requirements. A risk assessment was carried out by Di Smart and Fran Cook (Stewards). If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact: Di Smart This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thank you.
If you didn't recieve or you've lost your copy of the Courier please note you can find them on our website anytime :-).
A circuit video
Our new Performing arts enabler has prepared a video telling of some of the things happening across the circuit during lockdown. You will also see a short message from our new superintendent. Many thanks to Josh for the idea of passing something between us all!
JAM & IMPACT are now taking their summer break, we will be returning in September to a Zoom near you.
Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoom details.