Notices blog

A very happy new year to you! If you aren't joining us in person, then you can join us on-line via this link OR our normal video page.

In addition you can join us from 6:30pm on Zoom for our evening worship. Details of the zoom call can be found further down this news sheet.

This week's notices are to be a little different as I want to include some asks. Here they go...

Firstly, I have been giving the Church website a virtual lick of emulsion over the Christmas break and would like to include some new photos. I have lots of the building and events but what I would like to add on the website and social media are some people. It would be great to have a photo of 4 or 5 people and optionally a little about them. I'm looking for details about who you are, why you go to a Church, why you believe, why you are a part of EMC or something like that.

Secondly, as always the notices are more interesting when they include personal stories, you must be bored of hearing ours (the Carharts) by now. It would be lovely during the next few months if you could share something we can post in the notices. Something you've done, read, seen, heard, thought, drunk, eaten or washed in. It doesn't really matter what it is, it's just nice to hear how everyone is and what they are up to.

So if you are able to share a little biography for the website or a story for the notices please do get in touch: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Now that said, I will tell you a little about our Christmas. The Children had a fantastic time and enjoyed it very much. If you cannot guess, unwrapping presents was their favourite part. Beth has the most enormous dolls house which she loves, although I think her favourite toy is a white board/chalk board. Photo below. For Josh it has been some games both for the Xbox and some board games that are the favourites this year. We did have to spend 10 days at home, as someone in Beth's class had COVID but we were able to join family via MS Teams and Messenger.

We had some great events over Christmas at EMCC, the Christingle, the nativity display and Crumbs from the Table. I will be sharing a story on "Crumbs" in due course. Today I wanted to say a massive thank you to Julia, Tony and their team for all the hard work to deliver the Christingle on Christmas eve. It was a fantastic achievement under such difficult circumstances so thank you all!

Could I also say a thank you to June for a magnificently decorated tree. You must have spent an entire day decorating it. I know many of you will not have been able to see it in person but hopefully you have caught a glimpse on the video feed.

I also want to say a thank you to Dawn and Helen for the nativity scene in the entrance. If you have not been able to see it in person here are some photos. We have the display each year as a part of the light switch on but it has been there to cheer everyone up with it's lights, animals (courtesy of Pauline) and it's stable :-)

This week's reading is from John. What a powerful word it is for today the beginning of 2021. It starts at the very beginning and reminds me of two things. Firstly, that a great deal has already passed under the bridge and secondly that God is in command and always has been. Well isn't that the case, we can look back over time at a world and a human race who have been through so much and always come through it. Here we are as proof. What is more we have been through so much as individuals, and we are stronger for those experiences. Even more it's a reminder that we have been through so very much with God. He has brought us safe since the dawn of time, and our first personal encounter with him. Here we are as proof! What that tells me, is just as he has brought us safe to the start of a new year, a new challenge together, he will carry us safely to the next shore.

You can read this week's lectionary here:-

May God bless you into 2021 and fill you with hope, not some unfounded hope, but hope based on experience, and hope based on the promise of his word!

With love from us all

Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth

Upcoming Services
Morning Services in January
3rd Sue Bolt
10th Andy Chislett-McDonald
17th Deacon Linda Brown
24th Mary McNaughton
31st Gillian Higgins

Evening Services in January (via Zoom)
3rd - Bev Smerdon
10th - David Youngs
17th - TBC
24th - Andy Chislett-McDonald
31st - TBC

Evening Zoom Services:
Please call for codes.

Booking a space for the morning service
If you would like to book a seat for the morning service please contact me on 405435 from Monday to Thursday each week. If I'm not here please leave a message - my answer phone gives time and date. I’ll ring back to confirm. If we're full when you ring your name will be transferred to the following week. Thank you.
with blessings,

Worship in Person
Our building will now be open each Sunday morning at 10:30 for worship. This means around 27 people will be able to join in worship in the church building. If you would like to be a part of that you are asked to book in advance via Di. Bookings must be made by Thursday. Full information on how to book and what to expect can be found on our website here:

If you can't join us in person we are hoping to stream the service to you live at 1030.
How do you get that?
Well you have options, and I put them all here in case of issues ....
Option 1 - Go to this page which SHOULD go directly to this weeks broadcast
Option 2 - Go to - This is our Facebook web page and contains our upcoming and previous live videos
Option 3 - Go to - This is our website and I hope to embed the video here for you

Alternatively if you can't join us at 1030 you can watch the video at any time after the event via this page or Facebook

Rev Andy Chislett-Mcdonald
07960 050355

ANDY's Messages
If you are not already aware Andy is sharing a message everyday during lockdown and you can read this on our facebook page. You don't need a Facebook account to do that, if you come as a guest Facebook behaves like any other website. You can read all his past posts here:

Contact Details

Mobile: 07884 232829
Land line: 01752 480319
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website: if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.


For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 7:15 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.


JAM & IMPACT are yet to return to their on-line or in-person sessions, we hope to provide details about the plans soon.


Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoom details.


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