Hope you are well this week. There is a lot of news to share with you, so lets get started.
Please note that Tristan is leading our worship this week, many thanks to him! This will be our last all on-line service for the time being so I'd also like to say how grateful I am to him for leading worship over the last 9 months. It isn't easy to lead worship on your own at home but he has done a fantastic job!! So thank you sir!
Worship in Person
Next Sunday, December 6th 2020 we will be returning to in person worship at EMCC. This means around 27 people will be able to join in worship in the church building. If you would like to be a part of that you are asked to book in advance via Di. Bookings must be made by Thursday. Full information on how to book and what to expect can be found on our website here:
For those who will be unable to attend in person we hope to stream the service from the building. We will use Facebook to host and deliver our broadcast but you do not need to be a Facebook account holder to access our live stream. During the live broadcast Facebook acts like any other web site which can be browsed by anyone.
As we will be broadcasting the service live next Sunday you will need to join us at 10:30 am on-line. We will endeavour to provide a recording for viewing later but to avoid disappointment please join us at 1030.
The technology to broadcast is new to us at EMCC so do bear with us. I will be over at Bittaford leading worship there so please be gentle with those trying to get this to work. Once home I hope to add a recording to the church website so if you can't join us live at 1030 you can watch back during the afternoon (or as soon as I get it added).
Full details of what is happening can be found in the guide sheet which you can read here http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk/images/Notices/EMCC_RO_v4.pdf
There are also more details further down from Di our senior steward.
The Courier
The new copy of The Courier will be out next week, if anyone has anything they wish to be included please let Liz Coleman have it ASAP please.
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Crumbs from the table
Last week I made you aware of a plan to feed around 30 families this year that the primary school tell us will find it hard to feed themselves. We have been overwhelmed with the out pouring of love and support from the entire Church and the community. We have, in one week, received 720 pounds in pledges from Church members and beyond. Helen went to the Co-op to place the order for the food and was delighted when they agreed to add 250 pounds worth of goods to our purchases. It is another very generous gift! As mentioned last week, the Lemon Tree have offered us a selection box for each of the families (another very kind gift!) bringing the total value of support so far for this project to ONE THOUSAND POUNDS!!
It has been a fantastic response that truly shines a light of the compassion and love of God's people!! Thank you !!
This year we are doing the Christingle in a very different way. Instead of a service you will be able to attend EMCC on December 24th between 3:00 and 5:30pm to collect a DIY Christingle kit. We hope this will be a way that we can share with the joy and light of Christmas in our own homes. Many Thanks to Tony, Julia and the Messy team for making this happen !!
One of the readings set for this week is Corinthians 1 3-9. It is a timely reminder to a people called to be patient. We are waiting now, not for Jesus birth, he has already been born and come to us. We are waiting to celebrate that birth again this year. Maybe with more gusto than for many years as we think to the positive light of his love. We are also called to be patient as we wait for his return. Some of the other readings this week focus on Jesus 2nd coming. It is this we are called to be patient for, to wait for and to prepare ourselves for.
A portion of that preparation is attempting to live Holy lives. Something we so often fail in, but just like the servants with the talents the master is more interested in our bold efforts than the results. The Corinthians passage reminds us of something wonderful; that even though we strive and fail to live holy lives we are made holy by him. More then that we have received all the spiritual gifts we need, we are surrounded in his love and can be blessed in those most trying of times through him who loves us.
This is also the first Sunday in advent the beginning of the Church year and a time for new starts. A looking forward to re-opening, to Christmas, to the end of the pandemic, maybe, and to the return of the father when all pain and suffering will end.
Now may the God of love bless you and keep you this week, may he fill you with peace hope and love!
Each week, I like to share something from our week at home. We have begun to switch to Christmas mode this week. I have been wearing my Christmas hats including my new Christmas tree hat :-) You can see a photo here:
It has been a talking point on the many many conference calls I join each day :-)
We are approaching the last three weeks of school and so the end is in sight for Josh and Beth and this winter term. Josh has been playing xbox online with his friends. The technology allows them to chat through the headset while they build new worlds in Minecraft. It's a great way for them to socialise when they can't meet up and play.
Beth has been decorating the tree and doing all those traditional Christmas things. A little earlier than normal this year but never mind! She has also been recording a video with Anne Middleton that will be available very soon. Proud Dad moment as she has done a fabulous job.
Sincerely with all our love!!
Jon Helen Josh and Beth
A message from Di (Senior Steward)
Morning Services in December: 6th December - Terry Higgins; 13th Peter Sweeting; 20th Andy Mac and 25th Christmas Day - tba
Evening Zoom Services:
November 29th - Di Smart; December 6th - Brenda Youngs; December 13th and 20th - Andy.
The Stewards made the decision to have a service on Christmas Day rather than 27th. Christmas Day is very special and although it will be very different from usual it's important to many to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Please contact me (405435) from Monday to Thursday each week to book. If I'm not here please leave a message - my answer phone gives time and date. I’ll ring back to confirm. If we're full when you ring your name will be transferred to the following week. Thank you.
with blessings,
Please do remember there are two services this week, you can watch our online service via the link on this page. You can also watch recordings of all our previous services.
In addition, on Sunday night at 6:30 there will be a Zoom service. Details on how to join can be found further down this notice sheet.
Hope to see you there :-)
From Di
Rev Andy Chislett-Mcdonald
07960 050355
Something else to celebrate this week is that over 300 people are now following and engaging with us on Facebook. Facebook has proven over the past three years to be an invaluable tool in reaching out to people of many generations and sharing our message. If you aren't following us you can do so at https://www.facebook.com/ElburtonMethodist
ANDY's Messages
If you are not already aware Andy is sharing a message everyday during lockdown and you can read this on our facebook page. You don't need a Facebook account to do that, if you come as a guest Facebook behaves like any other website. You can read all his past posts here: https://www.facebook.com/ElburtonMethodist
You can find all our services on our Church website here
Tristan and I would love to receive your formal feedback please. We need one formal review for each service we submit as a part of our portfolios so if you are able to compete a form now and then that would be great! You can find them here :-)Feedback
Thank you !
You can find all the details here http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk/cftt
Contact Details
Mobile: | 07884 232829 |
Land line: | 01752 480319 |
Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/ElburtonMethodist |
Website | http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk |
Circuit | https://www.facebook.com/PDMethodist |
Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website:http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk/index.php/notices-blogso if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.
For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 7:15 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.
JAM & IMPACT are yet to return to their on-line or in-person sessions, we hope to provide details about the plans soon.
Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoom details.
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