Welcome to this week's notices and what an exciting week it is! Not only is it the 2nd week in Advent, a time of hope but it is also our first week of worship in the building at EMCC. Terry Higgins will be leading our worship and if you have booked we look forward to seeing you in person at 1030. I will be the bloke in the Methodist Church face mask :-)
We are now in full Christmas prep mode here, although we have taken the time to repaint Beth's room after a little condensation issue. It is now a slightly gentler shade of pink! Alarmingly we have also ordered some new internal doors so I may be covered in wood shavings next Sunday, we will see.
The school is excitedly making the best Christmas preparations that it can, an assembly for us to share in as parents by Zoom is going to be the highlight for me. I think they are doing the best they can to make it fun for the children.
We are really blessed as a circuit to have lots of talented folk who have put together some videos for us to share. I will post the link to "The Nativity" below and also "Silent Night". The lyrics to the latter have been written by one of our Ministers, Brenton who also leads the singing in the video. I am biased, of course, but my favourite part is Beth's contribution, see if you can spot her.
Silent Night - https://fb.watch/2bp50I-dCg/
The Nativity - https://fb.watch/2bp6T6yFy4/
Of course the news this week has been dominated by the word "Vaccine". We have moved on a phase from a vague hope in the possibility of a vaccine to the reality of a vaccine that may soon be distributed to billions world wide. This is by no means over but I think we may allow ourselves this week a little smile as the prospect of an end becomes a reality and we may begin to predict with a gretaer degree of accuracy the conclusion of our control measures. The vaccine is in sight and so is the end of Advent, Christmas day, the birth of God as child, the paying of our debt and the residence of love in our world.
And there you have it, the reason we all gather in person or on-line it is to celebrate, to delve deeper into and to be embraced in the love of God and one another.
It is his and our love that we send to you today
God bless!
Jon, Helen, Josh and Beth
Worship in Person
Our building will now be open each Sunday mornign at 1030 for worship. This means around 27 people will be able to join in worship in the church building. If you would like to be a part of that you are asked to book in advance via Di. Bookings must be made by Thursday. Full information on how to book and what to expect can be found on our website here:
If you can't join us in person we are hoping to steam the service to you live at 1030.
How do you get that?
Well you have options, and I put them all here in case of issues ....
Option 1 - Goto this page which SHOULD go directly to this weeks broadcast https://www.facebook.com/ElburtonMethodist/posts/3455025141199924
Option 2 - Goto https://www.facebook.com/ElburtonMethodist/live_videos/?ref=page_internal - This is our Facebook web page and contains our upcoming and previous live videos
Option 3 - Goto http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk/index.php/video-services - This is our website and I hope to embed the video here for you
Alternatively if you can't join us at 1030 we hope to make the video available after the event on the website. I will provide the links on the standard video services page later on Sunday afternoon so do check back for that. The link is the same as option 2 i.e. http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk/index.php/video-services
The Courier
The latest copy of the Courier is now available on our website. The Advent courier is a chance to catch-up on what has been hapening around the Church. You can visit by clicking here http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk/images/LinkMagazines/AdventCourier2020.pdf
A message from Di (Senior Steward)
Morning Services in December:
6th December - Terry Higgins;
13th Peter Sweeting;
20th Andy Mac
25th Christmas Day - tba
Evening Zoom Services:
December 6th - Brenda Youngs;
December 13th and 20th - Andy.
The Stewards made the decision to have a service on Christmas Day rather than 27th. Christmas Day is very special and although it will be very different from usual it's important to many to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Please contact me (405435) from Monday to Thursday each week to book. If I'm not here please leave a message - my answer phone gives time and date. I’ll ring back to confirm. If we're full when you ring your name will be transferred to the following week. Thank you.
with blessings,
Crumbs from the table
Oh God is good, he is so very good. What a week for CFTT. You have pledged 965 pounds so far, for which we are incredibly grateful. We are also really blessed to have been given 250 pounds from the CO-OP in the village, 40 pounds from Allison's Butchers and selection boxes from the Lemon tree cafe! A massive thank you to all of them !!
If you would like to make a donation, but haven't yet, please let us know by the end of the 6th of December. This is because the hampers must be finalised this week for distribution to the school early next week.
More details here ....
This year we are doing the Christingle in a very different way. Instead of a service you will be able to attend EMCC on December 24th between 3:00 and 5:30pm to collect a DIY Christingle kit. We hope this will be a way that we can share with the joy and light of Christmas in our own homes. Many Thanks to Tony, Julia and the Messy team for making this happen !!
Rev Andy Chislett-Mcdonald
07960 050355
ANDY's Messages
If you are not already aware Andy is sharing a message everyday during lockdown and you can read this on our facebook page. You don't need a Facebook account to do that, if you come as a guest Facebook behaves like any other website. You can read all his past posts here: https://www.facebook.com/ElburtonMethodist
Contact Details
Mobile: | 07884 232829 |
Land line: | 01752 480319 |
Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/ElburtonMethodist |
Website | http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk |
Circuit | https://www.facebook.com/PDMethodist |
Please remember you can get these notices via our notices blog on this page of our website:http://www.elburtonmethodist.org.uk/index.php/notices-blogso if you don't get this email do check there, anytime.
For those who would like to we are continuing our Wednesday prayers, starting at 7pm we are each praying at home. We end at 7:15 with the Lord's prayer. You can find out more on our website.
JAM & IMPACT are yet to return to their on-line or in-person sessions, we hope to provide details about the plans soon.
Please remember Denise hosts a coffee morning at 1030 each Saturday on Zoom, please get in touch for zoom details.
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